8 min read

Top 5 Reasons to Use a Reference Check Software

You don’t want to be making mistakes when bringing people into your company, and a reference check software could help you in big ways.

In today’s world, it has become more critical for companies to verify information from candidates. That starts even before a hiring decision is made, and that’s where recruiters use reference checking as a pivotal decision.

Has the traditional way of collecting reference checks become a tedious and time-consuming process for your recruiters? Are there multiple reference checks to be completed and has it become disorganized across different platforms? How secure do you feel about the accuracy of reference checks?

You don’t want to be making mistakes when bringing people into your company, and a reference check software could help you in big ways. In this article, we’re going to tackle the top reasons to use a reference check software to help you gain additional perspective and uncover important information to help you with your hiring decisions.


Automate processes

Automating reference checks will benefit the recruiters, the referees, and the candidates.

When you use a reference check software, recruiters can access readily available templates that can be sent in just a few clicks. These templates are customizable, so you can acquire specific information depending on the different roles.

Referees can complete these reference checks without having to be chased or constrained with a schedule that will match with the recruiter. With an option to do the reference check online, they can answer this on their own time.

Since the reference check is automated, this also means that the candidates can enter their referee details into the system making it efficient to get the reference check started.

Secure top talent faster

A typical reference check could take between 2-4 business days. When you use a reference check software, it simplifies and speeds up the process. When the entire recruitment process is streamlined, a recruiter gets to secure top talent faster by keeping the candidates actively engaged. In recruitment, you want your candidates to know that you also value their time and you wouldn’t want to risk losing a top candidate who might be snatched away when they look for other employment while waiting for the progress of their job application.

More options to collect reference checks

Nowadays, accessible platforms are undoubtedly a winner. The online reference checks can be accessed even in mobile devices which is convenient for referees because it does not require a specific time of when to do it. This then leads to a higher response rate.

These reference checks can be requested via email, phone, or SMS. With multiple options, you can increase the referee’s acknowledgement to complete the reference check.

Fraud detection

A reference check software’s anti-fraud system can help recruiters identify fake job references. There are little details they might miss when trying to submit a fabricated employment reference. With this fraud detection feature, the software can cross-reference information provided by both the candidates and the referees. From there, it can extract any suspicious or questionable details.

This tool is especially useful in making sure you don’t hire high-risk candidates. With an anti-fraud system in your reference checking software, you can confirm the identities of the potential candidates and disqualify an applicant who is too good to be true.

Cut down costs

With an all-in-one platform for reference checking, a company can save both time and resources. There is no need to use multiple programs just to get a reference check done. Reference checks can be easily stored, accessed, and reviewed in a single platform. When a reference check is done with an automated software, a company can invest more in other areas of the business.

If your company is looking for a reference check software that can help you automate processes, secure top talent faster, cut down costs, and more, you will not regret choosing to use Ref Hub. Improve the quality of your hiring decisions with a reference checking tool that helps you uncover a broad range of a candidate’s experience and skillset. You can level up your hiring process with actionable information you can get from these references. The best part is you can do all these without having to worry how much it would cost your business, because Ref Hub is a free reference check software!

If you can get reference checks done with a powerful platform without any payment due, use Ref Hub and get started today!

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